Black Wings Art Collective

A flock of polytheist artisans. Our works comprise art, painting, tattoo, scent and incense, ceramics, woodwork, and more with a focus on spiritual connection, polytheist devotional art, and creative witchery.

Banshee Arts

Morpheus Ravenna

Ink | Art | Ritual
Ritual tattoo, painting and illustration, wearables & assorted witcheries.

Strixian Creations

Brennos Gunn

Ceramic works of practical comfort and deep devotion

Sylvan Arts Revival

Patrick Graeme

Old Growth tree restoration, ecological consulting, ritual woodwork.

3 Cups of Ink

Marjorie Ni Chobhthaigh

Watercolor, ink, lineart, & calligraphy.
Prints + digital downloads. Some commissions available.